The table set was easy to assemble on our own. It is a perfect size for a small apartment dining area. The table is very sturdy.
Package was delivered as scheduled and was shipped in three packages delivered on different days. Took a few hours to assemble and was straight forward. Solid wood materail. Sturdy. We are very pleased with the design and quality. Fits very nicely in our small space. Would highly recommend.
Gorgeous piece of furniture, sturdy and well made. Love the design. Easy to assemble. The box was protected perfectly on the outside with craft paper stick and tapes, and the piece was well protected inside with styrofoam and cardboard pieces that nothing was damaged.
Just from the packaging, it can be seen that it is a trustworthy store. The packaging is very careful, and even the joints of the packaging blet are wrapped with tape to prevent scratching your hands.Very very happy.
Compra segura
Exactas las medidas
Igual que en las fotos
Si era lo que esperaba
Easy to assemble, looks fantastic, very sturdy and solid. Five stars!